Saturday, November 28, 2009

romantic lyric ♥

Lenka- don't let me fall

underneath the moon, underneath the stars
heres a little heart for you
up above the world, up above it all
heres a hand to hold on to

but if i should break, if i should fall away
what am i to do?
i need someone to take, a little of the weight
or ill fall through

you're just the one that i've been waiting for
i'll give you all that i have to give and more
but don't let me fall

take a little time, walk a little line
got the balance right
give a little love, gimme just enough
so that i can hang on tight

we will be alright, ill be by your side
i wont let you down
but i gotta know, no matter how things go
that you will be around


Don’t let me fall

underneath the moon, underneath the stars
here’s a little heart for you
up above the world, up above it all
here’s a hand to hold on to


you'll be the one that I’ll love forever more
ill be here holding you high above it all
but don’t let me fall


oalaaaah, hari ini gw masa anyang2an. bahilaaaaaaah sakit bener kalo pipis. menye bgt deh. trus td ketemu sm all my girl.. do silly thing together. hihihi, seneng bgt dehhh, cm gara2 nih anyang2an jd ga seru aja.. trus td gw daftar online indonesian idol. aga mimpi bgt sih gw?? hahaha tp ya biarkan lah, biar gw seneng.. hahaha ga sih sebenernya dorongan dr temen2 gw juga.. cm gw pesimis lah. * wong cuma penyanyi kamar mandi kok ikutan acara bgtuan toh ndukk ndukk...* haahahahah trus, gw berencana pengen buat kue lagi nih.. dan diet pastinya.
( nih lagi mau diet tp bikin kue melulu ndukk, aneh2 aja.. kekekekekkkk )

Friday, November 27, 2009

wooohoooo! cant wait to see all my 17 girls :) ♥

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Chocolate Chips Cookies * taste like famous amos *

hey! gw mau berbagi lagi resep cookies yg sering bikin..rasanya 11-12 laaaah sm famous amos * im serious :p* so, lets make a great chocolate chips cookies!

ingredients, we need :

1/2 cup ( 113gr) unsalted butter *kalo gw biasa pake merk orchid yg warna biru. lebih murah. kekekekk*
1/2 cup brown sugar * ga pake juga ga apa, kalo gasuka *
1 tbp granulated sugar * nah bagi yg gasuka brown sugarnya ganti sm gula biasa aja/sebaliknya *
1 large egg *kalo kecil pake 2butir aja *
1teaspoon Vannila essens/toffieco
1 cup (140gr) all purpouse flour
1/4 cup (30gr) cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking soda * awas jgn kebanyakan, nanti pahit *
pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups (260gr) chocolatechips * kalo ga ada, kita pake dark cooking chocolate di potong kecil2 *

step by step :
simple aja ya, bikinnya kaya kue kering kebanyakan.. 

mix all dry ingredients ( flour, brown sugar, baking soda, salt, cocoa, vannila * kalo pake yg bubuk kalo yg cair, blakangan aja..* 
after dry ingredients mix well, we put unsalted butter into dry ingredients bowl. mix until they really combine and not lumpy. after they really combine, put the large egg into the bowl, mix well. and, put all chocolatechips. mix well again. and bake 15 minutes at 250c and put the pan in the lower .. enjoy!  


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

my ♥ ly boy made this! and he craving for this shoes :)

he made this poster * tenyom marih-marih* its 'walah' creation. :)

and he wants extraordinary converse. hmm, i like it too but its too expensive. hohoho.

i love this. hihi 

Monday, November 23, 2009

pamer kesenagan gww :p

HARUS LO TAU YAAA!! RIZKI SYARIF a.k.a RIZKI BIZNIZ a.k.a KIRONG a.k.a RIZKI ALEXA *as we now, he's guitarist of alexa band* CONFIRM GW DI FACEBOOK SETELAH SEKIAN LAMAAAAA. oh goooooooooooooooooodddddd!! im so fuckin' happy right now!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

rasulullah bersabda: orang yg paling aku benci dari kalian adalah yang suka mengadu domba, yg memisahkan antara orang yg saling mengasihi dan mencari-cari aib orang yg bersih..

Friday, November 20, 2009

buttermilk pancakes

sebenernya, sama kok kaya pancake biasa, cm kalo buttermilk lebih fluffy dan yummy!! 

( me, my boyfie, and my friends loves my pancakes )


1 cup (140 grams) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons (28 grams) granulated white sugar
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 cup (240 ml) buttermilk
3 tablespoons (40 grams) unsalted butter, melted
Plus extra melted butter for greasing the pan.

step by step :

In a large bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar.  In a separate bowl whisk together the egg, buttermilk, and melted butter. Add the egg mixture to the flour mixture, all at once, and stir or whisk just until combined. The batter should have some small lumps. Make sure you do not over mix the batter or the pancakes will be tough. Heat a frying pan or griddle over medium high heat until a few sprinkles of water dropped on the pan or griddle splatter. Using a pastry brush, brush the pan with a little melted butter.
Using a small ladle or scoop, pour about 1/4 cup of pancake batter onto the pan, spacing the pancakes a few inches from each other. When the bottoms of the pancakes are brown and bubbles start to appear on the top surfaces of the pancakes (2-3 minutes), turn over. Cook until lightly browned (about 1-2 minutes).
Repeat with remaining batter, brushing the pan with melted butter between batches.
Serve immediately with butter and maple syrup or your favorite jam.
Makes about 8 - 3-inch (7.5 cm) pancakes. 

Thursday, November 19, 2009

i dont ♥ you !!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


i missed when i watching BBF.

Saturday, November 14, 2009



“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.”

 James Dean quotes ( American motion picture actor, symbol of rebellion, 1931-1955)

im so sorry..

hmm.. ( take a breath deep! ) jujur aja  gw mulai ga respect sm salah satu sahabat gw.. mulai rada gimana gtu sama sifatnya & sikapnya.

Friday, November 13, 2009


 bunglon ft. neri per caso - denganmu

Lo e te .. (me and you )
Lo e te .. (me and you )

Lama kupikirkan
Semua ini akan berakhir
Dan kusadari kini cinta yang tak bisa kutahan lagi
Akan kucoba lagi untuk terus akan kujalani
Walau percuma cintaku tak bisa terbalas lagi

Yang kuinginkan hanya perhatianmu
Yang kuinginkan hanya dapat memandangmu
Yang kubayangkan kini bisa selalu di dekatmu
Yang kubayangkan kini bisa selalu bersama denganmu
Telah lama kurasa untuk selalu bisa menunggumu
Dan dapatkah kini kucari pengganti dirimu lagi

Ci ho pensano tanto
(I’ve been thinking a lot)
Quello che sento
(about what I feel for you)
Non puo’ aspettare piu’
(it cannot wait any longer)
E son sicuro che ormai
(and I’m sure that)
E tempo di decidere
(it’s time to make up your mind)
Ci ho pensano tanto
(I’ve been thinking a lot)
Ti lascerei ma soffrirei di piu
(I will leave you but I will suffer more)
E tutto inutile sei per me
(it’s all pointless, you are for me)
Un sogno irragiungibile
(a dream I cannot reach)
L’ho capito, capito ora
(I’ve understood by now)
Non posso aspettare piu
(I cannot wait any longer)
L’hai capito, capito ora
(you’ve understood by now)
Che non posso aspettare piu
(that I cannot wait any longer)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

♥ D


GILE BENERRRRRRRRR... masak bantuin tante gw semalem suntuk.tangan gw rasanya jd ga karuan. yeah i ♥ cooking, tapi kan yaaaaaa gila bgt... motongin smoked beef kecil2 3 kantong.ngadukin adonan white cream di panci besar dan panas, guntingin croisant1 kardus, marutin segitu banyak keju, ngaduk adonan klaapertaart sampe kentel ( mana lamaaaaaaaa bgt kentelnya ) numis bumbu lasagnna, ngadonin kue talam. dll. sampe pengkor nih tangan gw ! hahahahahah dan katanya nanti LAGI !!!!!!! AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

ngos-ngosan ama mimpi gw. hahahha

sial bgt deh tuh mimpi. kayanya kalo jd nyata gw ga sanggup. kekekekekkek
gw mimpi ngebut ngerjain 100 soal itali dan kalo berhasil gw dapet scholarship kesana. ( gila, gimana ga ngos2an, itu kan eng keinginan gw.. ) eh di tengah2 asik ngerjain soal, ada yg tauran. trus gw di tahan ama anak sma yg lagi tauran. aneh bgt deh, masa bw2 gw. mana ceritanya itu di pasar. hahahahhaahahah ngarang abis.pokonya gw kejar2an sambil ngerjain 100 soal. hhahahhahahhaha

Monday, November 9, 2009

sebel sama si R


duffy-warwick avenue 
When I get to Warwick Avenue 
Meet me by the entrance of the tube 
We can talk things over a little time 
Promise me you wont step out of line 

When I get to Warwick Avenue 
Please drop the past and be true 
Don't think we're okay 
Just because I'm here 
You hurt me bad but I won't shed a tear 

I'm leaving you for the last time baby 
You think you're loving 
But you don't love me 
I've been confused 
Outta my mind lately 
You think you're loving 
But I want to be free 
Baby you’ve hurt me 

When I get to Warwick Avenue 
We'll spend an hour but no more than two 
Our only chance to speak once more 
I showed you the answers, now here's the door 

When I get to Warwick Avenue 
I'll tell you baby that we're through 

'Cause I'm leaving you for the last time baby 
You think you're loving 
But you don't love me 
I've been confused 
And outta my mind lately 
You think you're loving 
But you don't love me 
I want to be free
Baby you've hurt me 

All the days spent together 
I wish for better 
But I didn't want the train to come 
Now it's departed, I'm broken hearted 
Seems like we never started 
All those days spent together 
When I wished for better 
And I didn't want the train to come 
No, no

You think you're loving 
But you don't love me 
I want to be free
Baby you've hurt me 
You don't love me 
I want to be free 
Baby you've hurt me


he's back.

donny dwi putra is back. back from his silent. dia minta maaf ke gw. ngaku ke gw dia punya willy. it's okay. it's not a big problem for me. cm kaya gw punya luka kecil di siram air jeruk nipis.. hahaha. ya sudahlah, ga masalah kok buat gw.. :) thanks ya don, you're lil'part  of my life ( duluuuuuuu ) hahaha..
shit ! i feel worried about him! i must be more protect to them. kalo ngga naksir lagi. gila, she totally make over her self !!! she cut her hair, ( like a boy ) then, she wear leather jeans, bleaching jeans and also keds shoes!!!! she look so different ! its style that i want ! rrrrrrrggghh!
goin krazeeeeh with tita, dinda, ochi, squ and netha

Sunday, November 8, 2009

craving for..blackberry :)

1. Bold 

2. Javeline

3. gemini

4. curve 8310/8230/8330 but MUST BLACK


Neri Per Caso - La ragazze

Le ragazze si lanciano ad occhi
chiusi nelle avventure
qualche volta confondono
la bugia e la verita'
seguono l'istinto
e l'istinto le aiutera'
sono treni in corsa
che nessuno fermera'

le ragazze decidono il destino
dei loro amori
i ragazzi s'illudono
ma non contano un gran che...
quando ti sorridono
e' probabile che sia un si
ma quando si allontanano e' no!
e tu...

ci devi stare inutile sperare
di recuperare se hanno detto no
meglio sparire non telefonare
per sentirsi dire un'altra volta no
come se non t'importasse piu'
senza farti mai vedere giu'
si puo' amare da morire
ma morire d'amore no!

le ragazze che ispirano
tutti i testi delle canzoni
sono sempre al centro
dei discorsi di tutti noi
che non conosciamo
nemmeno la meta'
di tutti quel che pensano
e dei segreti che ognuna ha

le ragazze volteggiano
sulle ali degli aquiloni
e noi innamorati
che le seguiamo da quaggiu'
guarda come planano...
qualcuna scendera'
ma quando si allontanano e' no!
e tu...

ci devi stare inutile sperare
di recuperare se hanno detto no
meglio sparire non telefonare
per sentirsi dire un'altra volta no
come se non t'importasse piu'
senza farti mai vedere giu'
si puo' amare da morire
ma morire d'amore no!

le ragazze che sfidano
le opinioni della gente
hanno gli occhi limpidi
di chi dice la verita'
senza compromessi
ne' mezze misure
sono piu' sincere
le ragazze della nostra eta

love tis song!!!!

Dewi lestari ft. arina mocca - aku ada 

Melukiskanmu saat senja
Memanggil namamu ke ujung dunia
Tiada yang lebih pilu
Tiada yang menjawabku
Selain hatiku dan ombak berderu

Di pantai ini kau selalu sendiri
Tak ada jejakku di sisimu
Namun saat ku tiba
 suara memanggilmu
Akulah lautan kemana kau selalu pulang

Jingga di bahuku
Malam di depanku
Dan bulan siaga
Sinari langkahku
Ku terus berjalan
Ku terus melangkah
Kuingin ku tahu engkau ada

Memandangimu saat senja
Berjalan di batas dua dunia
Tiada yang lebih indah
Tiada yang lebih rindu
Selain hatiku andai engkau tahu

Di pantai itu kau tampak sendiri
Tak ada jejakku di sisimu
Namun saat kau rasa
Pasir yang kau pijak pergi
Akulah lautan memeluk pantaimu erat

Jingga di bahumu
Malam di depanmu
Dan bulan siaga
Sinari langkahmu
Teruslah berjalan
Teruslah melangkah
Ku tahu kau tahu aku ada

If I could, I would .

ih ga bisa ya tuh org ga bohongin gw???????? please bgt ya tolong, tinggal jujur aja susah bgt kayanya. kenapa sih? katanya masalah gw sm tuh cowo udh clear, trus kenapa gw tetep di bohongin??????? bilangnya ke ultah temen. cih! please lah, belajar jujur jadi manusia! toh kalo lo MAU DR DULU AMBIL AJA. gw ga bakal marah kali. apa sih yg ngga buat elo!

Ray, where have you been?

i want strawberry milkshakes now!!!
“fashion fade, style is eternal”

- yves saint laurent-

Saturday, November 7, 2009

RELAX PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
somebody, anybody.. have you ever feel what i feel??? IM STARVING !!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaahahahahhahah

dear someone * * *

ya gw tau sih gw bukan siapa2. cm ya jgn kaya gtu cara lo. kalo gw salah bilang kali.jgn main nyuekin gw. aneh bgt.

delete him, and put in recycle bin!

rrrrrrrggghhhh! lamaaaaaaaa

kapan deh nih pulangnya?????????????

i hate when i can't go to midnight sale because i dont have money ! when i can spend 1 billion in one day for shopping? hey Mafia, marry me please! 


ngakak bgt baca postingan ade gw. hahahahaha dia menjelaskan bahwa 3 anak kecil yg ada dirumah yg ketu bhahahahahah. NGAKAK GTUH GW SAMA SQUARE BACANYA.

I Love Her !!!

which one do you like?????

 lady gaga

katy perry

 nicky hilton



nicole richie & baby harlow

 lily allen

Friday, November 6, 2009

i love my 17th girl . i missed them all :(

squ, ririn netha,maya

cebong & me

nandos ( kangeeeen )

aul & dita

squ & witha

cina ( bangsat, but we love you), squ, ririn

boyor(oh no boy!), ririn, and the pink one, seigal

kangeeeen :))))

miss moment like this :(

i think he very nice :)

seperti pertama kali jatuh hati. hahahaahahah

hmmm, what happened with me sih yaaaaaaaa????? maluuuwwww!

keujanan membunuhku..

lah kalo orang kan demen ya main ujan ( lah gw juga sih..) but side effectnya adalah, gatal-gatal yg minta di tabok! kerjaan gw drtd malah garuk2 mulu kaya monkey. hahaha. yaaah sebenernya, keujanan di sency. ( lah eng sency atepnya jebol ) i mean, di depannya.. dan karna pulangnya di jemput naik motor, jdilah gw keujanan. kekekekkk. :p

Thursday, November 5, 2009

hmm, keren makeupnya, cm kok aga serem ya?? best for halloween!!!!

 ray frankestein look a like!
 shit! kaya beneran yaaa!!
 ini juga
 ngilu bgt
 taeeee!! merinding bulu jaketku!

cerita hari ini....kekekekk

aku bosan! ( dengan nada lebay ) hahahaha kenapa ya gw bosenan bgt, ga betah gtu. mana uang ga punya. roko ga ada. mama pun sedang mencari sesuap nasi segenggam berlian di papua. shooting iklan jamu apa tau gtu. hahahha. oya, gimana ya sama love life gw?? td gw cm telfon sekali katanya sih dijalan mau pulang. oke deh buat gimananya gw pasrah. hehe, sedih juga sih kalo bahas2 si bodoh. :'(  *suasana berubah jd mellow.* oya, gw lagi seneng bgt dengerin lagunya dewi lestari. her songs makes me cryin'.. :'(

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

bang asep oh bang asep

bang aseeeep, lama bgt deh you guys. hahahaha (satu orang aja guys). cepat lah lay! gw kan mau pergi. tau rumahnya jauh bgt. eh elu lama bener. dengan bermodalkan 25rb ini, saya akan menempuh perjalanan yg cukup jauh dengan bis. hahahaa wismilak!!

i need something long and tasty ( apa ayoooooo)

mau rokok dong tolong.sama kopi nya. enak bgt tuh si ray katanya sedang mengambil yg nikmat2 ituuuh! woooooo!

irian jaya. ahahaha

mamakeee, mamakee mau pergi ya ke irian jaya??? hati2 ya maaaah.. bawalah oleh2 buat akuu.. okeeee,
♥♥♥ your beautiful daughter

dizionarietto italo-indonesiano

dizionarietto is my BOYFRIEND NOW

he's name is ray

ray trimakasih yaaa mu dengerin curhatan gw yg ga penting ini :) ( warnanya centil bgt ga sih ) hahahaha makasih yaaaa raaaaaay. *smooch

te amo :'(

you're disaster or miracle for me?? sometimes, i feel happy by your side. but if i happy, why my tears comes down now? you never think bout me! i want to reach your hand but i cant. why??? now, you tell me, that ' we're done! '
what's wrong with you??

2G ganteng dan gokil. heheheee

mantab lucunya, mantab gokil nye. :)))

conversation with paolo :))

zara : ciao

paolo : ciao, come va?

zara : va bene, e tu??

paolo : bene.

zara : cosa fai?

paolo : sono a trieste

zara : perché?

paolo nya diem aja deh abis itu. disconnect gitu dehhh. woo. ga asik lo paolo!

mi manchi :(

yup! i really missed him :((
aaaaaaahh kampungan nih gw. macem dia kangen aja!! ga usah deh kangen2! wooo

bye bye BBF :( 25 episode ngenang di hati bgt ! BBF season 2 donggg.. kaya cinta fitri juga gapapa!! hahaha

bahhhhh!! rampung sudah 25 episode yg melelahkan 'boys before flowers' seruuuuuuunyaaaa, nampol deh!! cuma kalo nonton itu tuh ya, kayanya kata2 kebun binatang mampir semua! saking kesel nya gw sama emaknya goo jun pyo. apa lagi pake acara lupa ingatan! hahaha bikin ribet aje nih mas sutradara. kenapa ya kalo film2 dorama asia itu cm dikit episodenya? padahal ngenang bgt di hati. ga kaya sinetron2 yg paporitnya para jubet. ( pembantu) macemnya 'melati untuk marvel, manohara, dll' coba gtu ya kalo yg fil2 dorama asia itu ber season2 seperti sinetron kebanggaan ibu2 PKK dan seluruh kalangan umur 'CINTA FITRI' kekekekekkk ( yahh gw akuin sih, kadang kalo acara tivi jelek, gw nonton cinta fitri.hahaha abis miskanya nyebelin sih. hahaha) yaaah pokonya yaa, gw menatikan BBF 2. Yg kabarnya ada :D ( whoaaaa prince song woo bin, i ♥ youu daaah!!

he loves me? he loves me not?

jam setengah 10 tadi, perang dunia ke 3 mulai ! gw ngamuk se ngamuk2nya. sebenernya ya, salah ga sih gw kalo misalnya minta dikabarin dan di ngertiin?? hmm, kayanya ngga deh. sepertinya gw normal kok.. karna emg sejak 2 taun yg lalu kan slalu gw yg ngalah.. wajar dong kalo gw minta keadilan buat kali ini. woo enak aja masa semena2 gtu sih dia. mata gw pun bengkak. drtd gw nelfon dengan derai air mata. (sinetron mode: on) kekekekekkk.. yah gw sih cm butuh bukti aja kok.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


ayo mataku sayang. merem yuk yuk yuk...

why why why im addicted with KIRONG as people know is RIZKI ALEXA :))))))

shit! he so handsome and always makes me crazeeeh!!
kenapa bgt yaaaa tuh dia mengalihkan gw dr lelaki lain??!! ( apalagi di personil alexa lainnya seperti : satria, Jmono, aqi, fajar ) pokonya dia tuh yaa, udah pinter, ganteng pula! ciloko... :p
pokonya, gw punya fotonya dia banyaaaak deh. tp gw post 1 aja yaa, ini diambil dr multipy nya mbak peny. hehehe *minta ya mbak fotonya :))* hehehehe kirong, he was born in tokyo, 4 june 1983. hiiiiiiiiii aku gemeeeeeeeeesss sama kamuuuuuu kirooonggg :) hahaha

keranjingan boys before flower :))

telaaaaaaaaaaaatttt bgt gw!! yaaaa, sebenernya sih di sengaja telatnya. soalnya kayanya gw tidak terlalu suka ngikutin perkembangan zaman.(contoh seperti blog udh dr jaman megantropus gw baru abad 21 ;p ) hahaha, soalnya males kalo nonton di tv. ga asik aja.. jd nontonlah gw di DVD. dan ber DVD ria lah gw. hahahaha gw udh episode 13. besok 14.lagi nyebelin2nya nih si jun pyo nya. kekekekkk..

unknown song in my iTunes, tapi, ini emang gw banget :(

' kemana saja kamu saat hatiku hanyalah untukmu, kau sia-siakan cintaku begitu saja. sudahlah lupakan aku yg tlah kecewa bersamamu. cari saja yg lain yg bisa kau sakiti, dan pergilah kau jauh dariku..'

yup, pas denger lagu itu gw pikir ekut yg nyanyi. taunya namanya Anggie. ga mellow. ya kaya ekute gtu. mirip deh. hehehe, tapi pas gw dengerin liriknya, kok nampak seperti cerita gw sekarang ye? ya mungkin harus di sudahi aje. but i cant!! to much love for him! :((((((((

delusióne :((

fak sekali dia. yaaa semacem ga punya perasaan kayanya yaaa. ya gw sih cm minta dikabarin doang sih. suse bener ye kayanya. hahaha

Monday, November 2, 2009


it will be my diary :))