Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Chocolate Chips Cookies * taste like famous amos *

hey! gw mau berbagi lagi resep cookies yg sering bikin..rasanya 11-12 laaaah sm famous amos * im serious :p* so, lets make a great chocolate chips cookies!

ingredients, we need :

1/2 cup ( 113gr) unsalted butter *kalo gw biasa pake merk orchid yg warna biru. lebih murah. kekekekk*
1/2 cup brown sugar * ga pake juga ga apa, kalo gasuka *
1 tbp granulated sugar * nah bagi yg gasuka brown sugarnya ganti sm gula biasa aja/sebaliknya *
1 large egg *kalo kecil pake 2butir aja *
1teaspoon Vannila essens/toffieco
1 cup (140gr) all purpouse flour
1/4 cup (30gr) cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking soda * awas jgn kebanyakan, nanti pahit *
pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups (260gr) chocolatechips * kalo ga ada, kita pake dark cooking chocolate di potong kecil2 *

step by step :
simple aja ya, bikinnya kaya kue kering kebanyakan.. 

mix all dry ingredients ( flour, brown sugar, baking soda, salt, cocoa, vannila * kalo pake yg bubuk kalo yg cair, blakangan aja..* 
after dry ingredients mix well, we put unsalted butter into dry ingredients bowl. mix until they really combine and not lumpy. after they really combine, put the large egg into the bowl, mix well. and, put all chocolatechips. mix well again. and bake 15 minutes at 250c and put the pan in the lower .. enjoy!  


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